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Kathy Mae had endured years of dismissals, poverty and abuse for reasons that were never understandable to her. Since a small child, she has always been told how useless and worthless she was; and growing up she believed it. Now, nearly 30, she has decided to stop living that life and make a new one for herself.
She checks out a self-help book from the local library that is supposed to change her life, and boy does it! With stubborn determination she finds herself with a new job, a life, and more surprising than anything, a new man.
This intriguing man sees her for herself, for what she truly is... beautiful.
Kathy finds herself in the throes of passion one minute and running for her life from a tornado the next! Her life becomes a whirlwind of adventure that leads her to discover an unbelievable secret about herself. Along the way she boldly faces her fears and learns about who she truly is.
An enduring romance story about love, struggle and eternal hope.
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